It's Mommy Time

One Mommy, Two Daughters, Zero Time

Monday, August 20, 2007

Holiday Blues

Around this time each year, panic begins to well up from deep down inside. That’s because it’s about time to start making holiday plans, and I absolutely hate it. If you know me at all, you’ll know that there are two things that I dislike more than anything in the world: 1) conflict and 2) disappointing people I love. Planning for the holidays has the potential to create both. Thus, I hate it.

With four grandparents living in four different states, there’s no way to make everyone happy and that causes me GREAT anxiety. Originally, we said that we would just rotate from year to year, but that’s probably not a realistic plan for a number of reasons. For example, last year we stayed home for Christmas which means that this year we should travel, but that’s difficult because I’m taking almost all of my vacation to go to Italy. The whole traveling to different places each year is also complicated by the three important facts: 1) I hate the idea of dragging Hailey through an airport during the holiday rush; 2) I want to start creating our own family traditions in our own house; and 3) I have a great fear of being stuck in the airport over the holidays. Still, I would put all of this behind me if I could make everyone happy, but I can’t! So, what are we to do?


  • At 9:29 AM , Anonymous peter said...

    Honey, you have to realize that we all have learned to accept these disappointments...and we also appreciate every effort both you and Luke have made over the last year to travel with a very young child for our sake. For my part, I am thankful to have been included as much as I have because I know it hasn't been easy. Of course, my own ability to travel this coming season has been severely cut back because I have chosen to do so much theatre. But these are choices that I made for me (Of course, I HATE traveling for holidays, too - and I'm not even limited in my vacation days, as you are). So, my advice is do what YOU have to do, just as I and your mother (and I'm sure Mary and Gary) will. I know you'll never stop trying to be fair and include as many of the relatives as possible, but you said it right: you have to establish some of your own traditions, too. We did that in our families, and now it's your turn. Speaking for all the grandparents, I think that above all, you shouldn't get so frazzled over it. We'll deal with whatever you choose, and we'll do our part to contribute to your holidays in our own ways.


  • At 3:31 PM , Anonymous Mary said...

    Heck, yes, Alisa...listen to your Dad! Of course I love seeing you whenever it is possible, but I also believe it's important for you guys to create your very own traditions. "Over The River and Through The Woods" is fun to sing at Christmas, but it's a real drag to do! Especially since these days, holiday travel is characterized by inconvenience, uncertainty and general torment.

    So I'm with Pete... I believe all your loved ones can happily contemplate your little family cozying up to their own hearth, decorating their own Christmas tree and creating all the special sights, smells and sounds of the holiday season on their own terms. (Frankly, I can't imagine being dragged all over the country at Christmastime! Where does the magic live then?)

    So don't feel guilty about staying in your own domicile - creating your own memory-making magic and relishing all the special moments with Hailey!

    We just demand pictures!


  • At 4:04 AM , Anonymous Luke said...

    I think we should have a tradition of going to Hawaii every year for xmas!!! .. yeah .. there's magic for ya! (i just hope santa doesn't wear a thong)

  • At 12:51 PM , Anonymous katie said...

    OK well if that tradition catches on then the Songers are going to officially petition to be adopted by the Hamilton clan!


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