This Blog Is Not for the Faint of Heart
Hailey has her first case of severe diaper rash. Actually, it's her first case of diaper rash ever. It started on Friday when she inexplicably started having diarrhea. It was terrible. So, pop quiz...what's the best cure for diaper rash? Ding, ding, ding. It's not wearing a diaper! I bet that you can already picture how I spent my weekend. There's nothing that proves a mother's love more than cleaning up her child's urine (and other stuff) off of the hardwood floors over and over and over again all weekend long. What joyous fun! I think that we have the diarrhea under control now thanks to my aggressive BRAT diet (that's Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast for those of you that haven't done this in a while). Hailey will be lucky if she can ever poop again!
PS: The picture is in black and white because we went to see the Annie Leibovitz collection at the High Museum today.
At 6:02 PM , Luke said...
oh come on .. you left out the best part !!!
Tonight while cooking dinner Hailey pooped, grabbed a piece of it and then tried to eat it ... yuck!!! Luckily mommy intervened before the deal could be closed.
At 6:05 PM , Alisa Hamilton said...
I left that out on purpose because it's too gross!
At 7:47 AM , Aunt Nancy said...
It's all part of the memories you can blackmail Hailey with when she's a teenager!!! It's nature's way of balance! LOL
Aunt Nancy
At 8:41 AM , ann said...
That butt looks familiar!
I hope you at least kept her confined in one area. That's not the worse though. The worse is when you both have the stomach flu at the same time. Try cleaning up puke when you're puking yourself!
At 4:45 PM , Grandma Mary said...
OMG! The dreaded Family Double (or triple) puke bug! I'd rather deal with the diarrhea plague any day (or 2 or 3).
I may be wrong about this part, but seems I've heard it's best to avoid applesauce when dealing w/diarrhea - was under the impression it adds fuel to the fire. Cheese was always an effective stop plug. Who knows?
Good luck, and hope the Happiest Girl in the World starts feeling like her old self soon.
Much love,
At 8:21 AM , Nancy said...
Actually, Alisa's right...applesauce is fine for the poops. AND if you're looking for something can't beat ARBONNE diaper rash creme. For real!! It's been praised by many to be the best. Try it out and see if it works! Can't hurt and it beats running around the house with a pooper scooper!! :)
But, boy what cute buns!
Love, the other Aunt Nancy
At 8:42 PM , Sarah Willits said...
I used the Arbonne Diaper rash cream on Isabella after a week of screaming maddness trying everything I could get my hands on....Arbonne stopped it in a matter of hours. We were all happy, that's what counts right?! :)
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