It's Mommy Time

One Mommy, Two Daughters, Zero Time

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Binky Capers

The bunk beds arrived tonight and are in great condition. I was really concerned about what the"damage" would be. I mean, what damage could possibly be worth the $1,500 that I saved by purchasing them as returned merchandise? Well, the inside bottom of one of the drawers is smashed to the point that we'll need to replace it. Nothing cosmetic at all. They look perfect from the outside. It's no problem. Now we just need mattresses.

So, we've been telling Hailey that when the bunk beds come, she would have to give up her binky because she would be a big girl sleeping in a big girl bed. The binky is like toddler crack. You give it to her, her eyes roll back in her head, and she gets all mellow. It's great for us as parents. She really only gets it when she's going to bed, but in an emergency, we can give it to her in the car or on the plane. Here's the's not good for her teeth and I'd rather sacrifice a few nights of sleep now rather than pay thousands of dollars in orthodontia bills later. Thus, the decision has been made - the binky must go.

How do you get rid of the binky with minimal pain and suffering? Well, according to my expert friends, you create binky fairy who writes the toddler a letter asking her to mail all of her binkies to the poor babies who don't have any. In exchange, the binky fairy brings the toddler a present and voila, no more binkies. Yeah, I don't really believe that it's going to work either, but I don't have any better ideas. So, off I go to decieve my child yet again.


  • At 10:15 AM , Anonymous peter said...

    I think this "Binky Fairy" story is the funniest thing ever! But I completely understand your desperation at getting her to let go of this bedtime "crutch." Her teeth will suffer if you don't act. However, I have been absolutely amazed whenever I put her down for a nap or nighty-night. You just hand her the binky, and she's out! All you need to do now is find something else that's equally as comforting at bed time. Yeah, good luck with THAT, Binky Fairy.

    Dad/Grandpa Pete

  • At 6:08 PM , Anonymous Meggan said...

    I was told that squirrels took mine. Seemed to work on me, maybe Hailey will buy it.


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