Really Reeling
Just when you think you have it all together, life throws you a curve ball. Today, my daycare woman told me that she will be closing in two weeks. She recently opened a second center outside of her house, and she needs to attend more closely to that. It was not her intention to close her in-home center. It just worked out that way. I'm not upset with her. I'm just so increadibly disappointed because she has provided Hailey with such excellent care in a mixed age environment. I know that I will not find that anywhere else. I've been calling places all day and just getting more and more discouraged. It's amazing how this little stumbling block makes me rethink everything. All of the decisions that I've made in the past about working and daycare and everything are suddenly back on the table again. And, we all know how I love to make life altering decisions! Well, I need to pull myself together so that I can try to make it through the rest of the day without sobbing.